5 Steps to Fast Reduction of Inflammation

Inflammation  is the latest buzzword coming out of the health industry that we hear and see everywhere. Everyone wants to know what it’s about and how to get rid of it or at least reduce it. With so much talk on the topic, the truth is that the picture that’s been painted about inflammation is mainly skewed or incomplete. What’s often left unsaid is that inflammation itself is not the problem; chronic inflammation is. Put differently, inflammation can be a good thing, but becomes a bad thing when it persists beyond normal recovery periods

1. Find the cause of the chronic inflammation

What you don’t want to do with chronic inflammation is cover the symptoms with a Band-Aid and not address the root cause. Meaning just throwing random solutions at it may not work. Finding out what the cause of the chronic inflammation is and getting it addressed is key to knowing what treatment can be used to reverse that inflammation and how fast it can be reduced. It can mean going the traditional route of medication, depending on the severity of the cause, or using foods high in anti-inflammatory properties such as herbs and spices with for healing.

2. Consult with a health professional who has experience in anti-inflammatory therapies

Not everyone is experienced in functional nutrition or medicine. It is important to find a health practitioner that can guide you to understand where your chronic inflammation may be coming from and what therapy route to take. Seek out a registered dietitian in your area or speak with your primary care office to find the right medical professional for you.

3. Eat more colorful plant-based foods

Plant-based foods are not only high in fiber but they also have plenty of anti-inflammatory properties. Think lycopene in tomatoes, omega-3 fats from nuts and seeds and vitamin C in fruit and potatoes. The different colors of fruits and veggies correlate to the different anti-inflammatory compounds they contain, so eating a variety of colorful plant-based foods means you’ll get a wider range of nutrients to help reduce inflammation.

4. Cut down on processed foods

Most of the foods we are purchasing at grocery stores have been processed in some form or another. The types of processed foods that you’ll want to think about reducing are the ones high in added sugar, excess sodium, simple carbohydrates and hydrogenates fats. The more we consume these foods, the less we are consuming the nutrient dense foods that will help in reducing inflammation.

5. Spice-up your meals

Get spicy in the kitchen! Not only will your palate thank you, but so will your health. Herbs and spices. are full of antioxidants that support gut health and may decrease inflammation. Adding more to your meals will help to decrease chronic inflammation.

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